Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beaver Creek Park

Beaver Creek Park is located off the Kenai Spur Highway. From Kenai, take the first left after Beaver Loop Road, at the top of the hill, just before the curve. Parking is a loop, and you will probably want to parallel park. There is a water fountain in the island at the center of the loop, a great place to stop to fill up water bottles while you are out and about. The road continues past the park to a neighborhood of private residences. If you are riding or walking on the Spur Highway bike trail, this is a nice stop for lunch or a rest.

There is a bathroom, though it is more of an out house but, hey, its something. There is also a covered picnic table and a solitary trash can. Don't forget the wobbly bench.

Again we see a Kenai favorite, the green play structures. Were these bought in bulk? I have to admit that the bubbles are futuristic and space agey, but I hope that a playground update is on the list for this park. There is a basketball court.

 Though the playground itself is small, there is a large open field, great for frisbee, football, and picnics. My son's soccer team met here a few times for practices. It was ideal.

 I have an artistic niece. She takes amazing pictures; "POS Paint"

Ah, graffiti. Or an attempt at it anyway. Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels this way about the park. Is it the equipment or their can of spray paint they are commenting on?

The play ground is cushioned with sand. It works well. I don't recommend letting small children walk around public parks barefoot. She just wasn't having it. I only set her down to take pictures, honest.

 We explored the woods nearby. It looks like the surrounding area is being developed for something. I would love to see a campground go in here. It would be a great place for families who are on the peninsula for fishing season, near the boat launch and only 3 miles through Beaver Loop to get to the city docks.  All in all, the green space is what this park is all about. The City of Kenai could give it an update. This park could be a lot more popular if it wasn't so out of date.

Found some tiny flowers. They were pretty. I love Alaska.

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